Software product quality: Ensuring a common goal

Sebastian Barney, Claes Wohlin

International Conference on Software Process (ICSP), pages 256-267, May 2009


Fulltext: PDF

Publish DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-01680-6_24

Definitions: PDF

Questionnaire: XLT


Software qualities are in many cases tacit and hard to measure. Thus, there is a potential risk that they get lower priority than deadlines, cost and functionality. Yet software qualities impact customers, profits and even developer efficiency. This paper presents a method to evaluate the priority of software qualities in an industrial context. The method is applied in an exploratory case study, where the ISO 9126 model for software quality is combined with Theory-W to create a process for evaluating the alignment between success- critical stakeholder groups in the area of software product quality. The results of the case study using this tool is then presented and discussed. It is shown that the method provides valuable information about software qualities.